small things... beating motherfuckingness

I must concentrate myself in the little things that make me happy, this is quite selfish but if I remember what I saw this morning I'll became insane, I wrote this while I was in the bus, surrounded by all this zombies, they don't even know they don't have a brain or a heart or a soul or whatever inside their bodies..
This is what I wrote:
there's a man carrying a death puppy as a trophy, it seems he has killed him. Everyone pretending not to see him...
F is right, war is ok, people must kill people 'till human race ends. It must happen in no time. I just pray for animals, I don't understand why they are here, suffering our hate, rage, and motherfukingness, if I had a gun I'd shut him... End of the writing.

At this point I realize I can't have this kind of feelings, I don't like it (But I'd have done it...) I can't believe we're this way, sometimes I don't wanna be part of this anymore.

Leonardo Da Vince said:

"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men."


let's see this beautiful beautiful bird one of my students painted..


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